January Pet of the Month-Miles
When I was a social worker at a middle school in Baltimore City, one
of the students told me about Miles. He was born into a troubled,
chaotic home and his original family was worried that he wasn’t safe.
They were relieved when I agreed to adopt him.
He was only 2 months old when I brought him home. He had a broken rib, was covered in fleas, and hid under the radiator for 2 weeks. As Miles got healthy, he blossomed into an affectionate, charming, confident little man.
15 years later, Miles remains one of the most amazing, talented cats I’ve ever known. He is the first to welcome all visitors into the apartment, believing that each one has come over specifically to see him. Once his guests have settled in, he knows just where to sit to receive pets from them. When we had a mouse problem 5 years ago, he patrolled the apartment night and day, catching every single one. We haven’t seen a mouse since! But, Miles’ best talent is the way he
cares for and protects his 14 year old sister, Sophie.
Miles used to HATE going to the vet. Getting him into the carrier, going
in the cab, waiting in the wait area, getting back in the carrier… It
was all so stressful! Dr. Nulton and Joanna have completely changed
Miles’ feelings about the vet. When they came to give him his annual
exam, he greeted them at the door, as he does with all of his guests, and basked in their attention. They took their time getting to know him before starting the exam which Miles appreciated. He got a little confused when his new friends drew his blood, but for the most part, it was a stress free visit and he can’t wait for them to visit him again. He has never felt so completely taken care of.